Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Week 6: Thing 13 (Learn about Tagging and discover a Del.icio.us)

I tried to view the video but could not access it so read a couple of the articles instead. This tagging issue goes right along with the raging discussion about the DDC and how some libraries (both school and public) are abandoning formal cataloging and classification in favor of arranging libraries like bookstores. Perhaps there are some valid points to consider same, but when the original cataloger leaves, the next person cannot follow their train of thought consistently. It would just be impossible!
When I looked for mystery books by searching the del.icio.us bookmarks, I found them by searching bookmarks such as mystery, mysteries and mystery books. Some websites appeared in all three categories and some did not. As one of the articles advised, if you like to tag, clean up your tagging and be consistent, both for yourself and for those who follow your bookmarks. I like to explore as much as anyone else, but a misspelling or misclassification can lead to a dead end.
In the same vein, yes, let's display books in many ways to encourage reading and to support readers' interests, but when it comes to doing cataloging and classification I can't see abandoning Sears, LC or Dewey because who has time to make it up yourself! So tagging to share bookmarks, yes. Tagging to do research, maybe!

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