Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Week 6: Thing 14 (Explore Technorati and learn how tags work)

After looking at the Technorati options (and exploring a few current topics and topics that I am interested in), all I can say is "wow!" This is why Rosanne Barr (just to use an example) said in today's Parade magazine in the T-N that she spends 4-5 hours blogging, uploading, searching, etc. One of the books that I am currently reading is called Born Digital. After just getting into the first few chapters (and looking at Technorati), it is obvious to me that there is a learning curve here or maybe a wider generation gap in the making. The teens today who almost don't remember the 20th century, were definitely born digital. I feel like that I can label myself as a Digital Settler type (not as far back as Bob N. or Carey W., but definitely one who used e-mail when it was all text, circa 1994 in my case) The lowest level of tech user, known as a Digital Immigrant, just answers e-mail and sends jokes around, according to the book, and I know people in my generation who definitely fit into that category. I wish that I had time to do some of the advanced options, but at least I know that they exist when I read about them or have a specific use for them or just the time to spend more time on the internet (and I already spend too much time on the internet!) Maybe someday I will insert the html code into my blog. Maybe someday I will even claim my blog on Technorati, but for now, it is time to move on to Thing 15.

Week 6: Thing 13 (Learn about Tagging and discover a Del.icio.us)

I tried to view the video but could not access it so read a couple of the articles instead. This tagging issue goes right along with the raging discussion about the DDC and how some libraries (both school and public) are abandoning formal cataloging and classification in favor of arranging libraries like bookstores. Perhaps there are some valid points to consider same, but when the original cataloger leaves, the next person cannot follow their train of thought consistently. It would just be impossible!
When I looked for mystery books by searching the del.icio.us bookmarks, I found them by searching bookmarks such as mystery, mysteries and mystery books. Some websites appeared in all three categories and some did not. As one of the articles advised, if you like to tag, clean up your tagging and be consistent, both for yourself and for those who follow your bookmarks. I like to explore as much as anyone else, but a misspelling or misclassification can lead to a dead end.
In the same vein, yes, let's display books in many ways to encourage reading and to support readers' interests, but when it comes to doing cataloging and classification I can't see abandoning Sears, LC or Dewey because who has time to make it up yourself! So tagging to share bookmarks, yes. Tagging to do research, maybe!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Week 5: Thing 12 (Roll Your Own Search Tool)

I am beginning to explore Rollyo and will be back soon...here is a health search tool that I rolled out. Hope I did it correctly!


I was trying to the optional exercise and paste in the code for the searchboxes and although it pasted, I can't search correctly. Since I am tired of fighting with Rollyo (and maybe bloglines just won't accept the searchbox code, just web pages...), I will move on unless I get an inspiration for the missing link. I know that I am just missing a step...

I think that Rollyo would have potential as a way to save bookmarks or subject searches as you move from computer to computer.

UPDATE: Now that I have explored the html option more carefully, clicking on this should take you to my rollyo.

Week 5: Thing 11 (LibraryThing)

Here is the link to a few books from my personal library. I could work on using LibraryThing for a long time because I can see how useful it might be if I had the time to do the entering. (On the other hand, there are some books on this list that I have owned for years, so I also have a list in my head...) But it certainly would be handy to have a "portable" list when I want to collect books by some of my more recent "favorite" authors. Sometimes I don't remember what recent books that I own and I could call up this list electronically as I am looking through books in a dusty used bookstore or a local yard sale. A great idea!
I almost gave away my identity so had to change my username to keep all of you in suspense at bit longer. Here is the link to my personal library...just a few books that I randomly chose to try out this site.

Week 5: Thing 10 (Online Image Generator)

Here is my avatar. It is from http://uk.avatars.yahoo.com/
This was a lot of fun and best of all, it is free! On to Thing 11: I'm almost halfway! (Maybe when I have time, I will create a casual avatar complete with capri pants, too!)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Week 4: Thing 9 (Merlin, etc.)

I found Merlin very informative. I always wanted to work in a public library, but my path went elsewhere so it is interesting to compare our two worlds. It is also shows a contrast to see the many social networking tools that are not allowed in the public school setting. I did some searching for an obscure author (and found nothing) but will keep checking back. I don't want to be overwhelmed with newsfeeds, so I just subscribed to Merlin. It was so easy to jump from the RSS directly into bloglines as long as you stay logged in (and even if the browser is closed, you are still logged in...) I also learned about picking up reserve books at the Washington Street Branch in a new and different way. I am also wondering how this will work out, but I guess if people are going to take a 5-finger discount, they won't bother to reserve books to do so!

Week 4: Thing 8 (RSS Feedlines and Bloglines Reader Account)


Here are my RSS feeds. This took longer than 20 minutes, but it was interesting! Some of the links were broken (or I didn't grab the entire URL), but I got there! (The key is to allow your bloglines to be public. I didn't do that the first time...) I will have to start reading the feeds and then change them as I see what I enjoy (in my spare time, that is!) I have spent so much time on this that I don't have anything else to say! Moving right along...

UPDATE: Back to my rss feeds, I go, to link properly. I can't believe that I didn't catch this before as it is not really any harder than linking on Claris. I guess I was just brain dead at the time!
Click on linked RSS feeds.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Week 3: Thing 7 (Blog Post about Anything Tech Related)

My tech topic: Newspapers online. Well, I am trying to get into them. I love reading newspapers and always try to read one wherever I travel to get a feel for the local scene. I also like getting quick information or reprints of articles online or to be able to e-mail an article to a friend. But reading the entire newspaper online, well, I am trying to get into this. I had a trial subscription to a major city newspaper (total online edition, not the quick summaries or major articles like I can get from the T-N or a free newspaper website) and I can actually read it page by page just like I had it in my hands. I certainly can read the major news stories, but it is the smaller columns that I seem to miss when I read online, even if I really try to catch everything. So it is still not the same...although much cheaper than a mail subscription or home delivery. I love technology and certainly get a lot of my news online these days, so I will keep trying...

Week 3: Thing 6 (Flickr Mashups & 3rd party sites)

I am finally getting back into the 23 things! I really enjoyed the Flickr sites, especially the place where you can create posters and jigsaw puzzles. I see some Christmas ideas in the making! I played around with both and need to find some inspirational quotations. Most of the ones that I have as e-mail tags deal with books and reading (wonder why?) I also don't have a lot of pictures of different subjects so will have to make a point to use my camera more. (Well, I have some, but since we are trying to stay anonymous until the end of this course, I don't want to put in any family members just yet!)