Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Week 3: Thing 5 (Explore Flickr)

I am playing around with Flickr, but haven't gotten too far yet. I don't have advanced photography skills, so I am hoping that Flickr will help me produce a good finished product in the same way the Clip Art does. More later, after I go thru the tutorial again.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Week 2: Thing 4 (Register Your Blog/Track Your Progress)

I set this blog up last week and seemed to get a lot of spam on my personal e-mail account (which might be coincidental) so I changed the e-mail address to my BOE account. At least the spam there (mostly) gets quarantined! I did enjoy choosing a background. The time certainly went by quickly as I played around with the selections. I think that the title of my blog is too long, but I don't want to start over. I did try googling it and my blog must be buried a few pages down. So I probably won't pick up any fans or followers, whatever they are! Happy blogging, everyone!

Week 2: Thing 3 (Set Up Your Own Blog)

Well, I did this "thing" last week, too, but wasn't sure what to write so I just added a couple of quotations. (I have been collecting poetry and quotations since 7th grade, so I have lots and lots...) But between e-mail and my ten-year diary (which I just got for my birthday), I have lots of ways to express my thoughts. So I am not sure if I have the time for extensive blogging. But I do feel strongly about many things, so who knows?

Week 1: Thing 2 (Pointers from Lifelong Learners)

The information about lifelong learning was interesting. I can't say that I watch enough in the way of movies or TV to learn a lot there. (I do love The Weather Channel and Dave Schwartz...and when I looked up the spelling of his name I found out that he had been let go due to economic conditions...that doesn't make me feel really happy with the executives at NBC!) But I certainly learn a lot from books and my two newspaper subscriptions (as well as Google News, of course!) I would also say that I learn a lot from the "girls" and "guys" at work. I always say that I have learned a lot about life at ___________ Elementary School.

Week 1: Thing 1 (About this program)

So far this has been a great way to learn about Web 2.0.  I am so busy all the time that I thought that I would get ahead on the 23 things while I have the time!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Reading has always been my home, my sustenance, my great invincible companion. "Book love," Trollope called it. "It will make your hours pleasant as long as you live."
--from How Reading Changed My Life, by Anna Quindlen